Contact PASEF
Penn Association of Senior and Emeritus Faculty Office
Sarah Barr, Associate Director
111 Duhring Wing
236 S. 34th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office phone: (215) 746-5972
The Association of Senior and Emeritus Faculty (ASEF) of the Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM)

Directions to Duhring Wing
Duhring Wing is located at 236 S. 34th St. It is adjacent to – but with separate entrance from – the Fisher Fine Arts Library. The main entrance is reached by ascending an exterior staircase on the College Green side of the building. That staircase is just opposite the eastern/basement entrance to College Hall.
For accessibility, access Duhring from its basement, via a ramp on the southern side of its building. This ramp faces the alleyway between Duhring Wing and Irvine Auditorium, off of 34th Street. Once in the basement access the door on your right with PennCard and follow the hallway to the elevator; ascend to the first floor.
PASEF Lounge
A Space for PASEF Members!!
On Wednesday, March 20, 2019 our newly renovated and furnished PASEF Lounge was revealed to all when Vice Provost Anita Allen and PASEF Past-President Roger Allen cut the red and blue ribbons draped across the door of 112 Duhring Wing. Inside, desserts awaited to accompany the many toasts made to those who had joined us to celebrate this new space which Vice Provost Allen had generously set aside for PASEF members’ use when on campus. The beautiful art is on loan from the University’s Art Collections, and a framed photograph of former occupant Duncan Van Dusen greets visitors as well.
Members should feel free to access the lounge for making a call or catching up on email, meeting with a small committee or a student or colleague, or as a quiet refuge. Contact the PASEF Associate Director, Sarah Barr, next door in Room 111 (215-746-5972 or for the key. When Sarah is not available, members can access the space through the Senate Executive Committee Office (Room 110). Advanced notice appreciated.
We hope you will take the opportunity to use this space soon and often!!!
PASEF Council