Events 2012-2013
Events Archives
May 1, 2013 – Spring Outing – Winterthur Museum and Country Estate
Join us as we explore the beautiful gardens and indoor treasures of Winterthur.

Founded by Henry Francis du Pont, Winterthur (pronounced “winter-tour”) is the premier museum of American decorative arts, reflecting both early America and the du Pont family’s life here. Its 60-acre naturalistic garden is among the country’s best, and its research library serves scholars from around the world. We invite you to visit and explore this place of beauty, history, and learning.
Please email the office for a complete itinerary.
April 25, 2013 – Vijay Kumar, Flying Robots
“Flying Robots”

April 25, 4:00-6:30 pm: Vijay Kumar: Flying Robots
Dr. Vijay Kumar, UPS Foundation Professor in the School of Engineering and Applied Science is a world-renowned pioneer in the development of multi-robot systems and micro aerial vehicles. Dr. Kumar headed Penn’s prestigious General Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception lab (GRASP) from 1998-2004. He is responsible for bringing cutting-edge, sophisticated “flying robots” to the attention of the public, including the President of the United States, whom he serves as Assistant Director for Robotics and Cyber Physical Systems in the Office of Science and Technology Policy while on sabbatical during the 2012-2013 academic year. “He stands on the heights of Mount Olympus, providing the model we could only aspire to someday,” remarked Chris Anderson, Chairman of 3D Robotics. Professor Kumar’s talk, Flying Robots, will look at issues raised in his popular YouTube piece, “Robots that fly and…cooperate.”
Skirkanich Hall, 210 South 33rd Street.
December 4, 2012 – Liliane Weissberg, Rich Jews: An Exhibition

Liliane Weissberg is Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor in Arts and Science, and Professor of German and Comparative Literature. She has published widely on German and Austrian-Jewish literature and culture. Currently, she is working on an exhibition entitled: “Reiche Juden: Eine Vorstellung” that will open at the Jewish Museum in Frankfurt in Spring 2013, and move on to the Jewish Museums in Berlin and Vienna afterwards. The exhibition will investigate the relationship between Jews and money in German lands: historically– from medieval money lenders to court Jews to bankers–and via imaginary constructs that have led to a variety of prejudices. In her presentation, Weissberg will talk about the concept of this exhibition, and introduce some of the material shown.