In Memoriam
- Mark B. Adams, History and Sociology of Science
- Paul Atkins, PSOM
- Raymond Boston, New Bolton Center
- Michael Cohen, Physics & Astronomy
- Stuart Curran, English
- Steven Douglas, PSOM
- Stephen Dunning, Religious Studies
- Claire M. Fagin, Interim Penn President and Former Penn Nursing School Dean
- Murray Gerstenhaber, Mathematics
- Sol Goodgal, Microbiology
- Charles D. Graham, Materials Science and Engineering
- Jack Guttentag, Finance
- Bruce Heppenstall, Orthopedic Surgery
- Alan Heston, Economics and South Asia Studies
- Helen Korchak, Pediatrics
- Virginia LiVolsi, PSOM
- Richard Paul, Computer & Information Science
- Lee Peachey, Biology
- Solomon R. Pollack, Bioengineering
- Kathleen Propert, Biostatistics
- William Schlaepfer, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
- Judy A. Shea, PSOM
- Willys Kent Silvers, PSOM
- Cecil L. Striker, History of Art
- Michael Topp, Chemistry
- Joseph Washington, Jr., Religious Studies
- Susan Cotts Watkins, Sociology
- Guy Welbon, Religious Studies and South Asia Studies
- Siegfried Wenzel, English
- J. Scott Armstrong, Marketing
- Dan Ben-Amos, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
- Harold Bershady, Sociology
- Luis Blasco, Obstetrics and Gynecology
- David Boettiger, Microbiology
- Eugenio Calabi, Mathematics
- Joan DeJean, Romance Languages
- Stephen Dunning, Religious Studies
- McIver Edwards, Jr., Anesthesia
- Jorge Ferrer, Penn Vet
- H. Terry Fortune, Physics
- Heber Graver, Penn Dental Medicine
- Murray Grossman, Neurology
- Samuel Jacobson, Ophthalmology
- Peter Joseph, Radiology
- Charles H. Kahn, Philosophy
- Akira Kaji, Microbiology
- Alan M. Kelly, Penn Vet
- Sidney Kobrin, Perelman School of Medicine
- Robert Kraft, Religious Studies
- Leszek Kubin, Penn Vet
- Howard Kunreuther, Wharton OID
- Kenneth Laker, Electrical Engineering
- Daniel Malamud, Penn Dental Medicine
- Ronald E. Miller, Regional Science
- Paul Moorhead, Human Genetics and Pediatrics
- Thomas Naff, Middle East Center
- Robert G. Ousterhout, History of Art
- Frank Pepe, Anatomy
- Randall Pittman, Pharmacology
- Stephen S. Shatz, Mathematics
- Edward J. Stemmler, Medicine
- James Stinnett, Psychiatry
- Anita Summers, Wharton School
- Donald Voet, Chemistry
- Rosalyn Watts, Nursing
- Jay Zemel, Electrical and Systems Engineering
- Donald Abt, Penn Vet
- Peter Arger, Radiology
- Arthur Asbury, Neurology
- Elizabeth Ellery Bailey, Business Economics and Public Policy
- Sigal Barsade, Management
- Stanley Baum, Radiology
- Robert I. Berkowitz, Psychiatry
- R. Michael Buckley, PSOM and Pennsylvania Hospital
- Douglas Canning, Surgery
- Mortimer Civan, Physiology
- George Crumb, Music
- Helen Davies, Microbiology
- Richard Dunn, History
- Karl Engelman, Medicine
- Dwight Evans, Psychiatry
- Stephen Gale, Political Science
- Robert Giegengack, Earth and Environmental Studies
- Nicholas Gonedes, Accounting
- Brett Gutsche, Anesthesiology
- Benjamin Hammond, Penn Dental
- Lawrence Hrebiniak, Management
- Barbara Jacobsen, Penn Nursing
- Elizabeth Johns, History of Art
- Haig Kazazian, Jr., Genetics
- John Keene, City & Regional Planning
- Stephen Kobrin, Management
- Klaus Krippendorff, Annenberg School for Communication
- Robin Leidner, Sociology
- Robert Roy MacGregor, Medicine
- Anuradha Mathur, Landscape Architecture
- Franz Matschinsky, Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Charles McMahon, Materials Science & Engineering
- Charles Minott, History of Art
- Max Mintz, Computer & Information Science
- E. Neil Moore, Penn Vet
- Donald Morrison, Statistics
- Alan Myers, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- Neal Nathanson, Microbiology
- David O’Connor, Anthropology
- Kwaku Ohene-Frempong, Pediatrics
- James Pickands III, Wharton
- Michael Pimsner, Mathematics
- Leonard Rico, Management
- John Rockey, Ophthalmology
- Harold Schiffman, South Asia Studies
- Vivian Seltzer, SP2
- Benjamin Shen, Physics and Astronomy
- Suzanne Shepherd, Medicine
- Nathan Sivin, History and Sociology of Science
- James Snow, Otorhinolaryngology
- John Trojanowski, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
- Michael Wachter, Former Interim Provost
- Ralph Wetmore, CHOP
- Jeffrey Wortman, Penn Veterinary Medicine and Perelman School of Medicine
- David Babbel, Wharton
- Aaron T. Beck, Perelman School of Medicine
- Joel Bennett, Hematology
- Horst S. Daemmrich, German
- Richard Davis, Neurosurgery
- Herbert Diamond, Psychiatry
- Jack Downes, CHOP
- Robert Forster, Physiology
- Robert L. Giuntoli, Sr, HUP
- Lila Gleitman, Psychology and Linguistics
- Vartan Gregorian, Former Provost and Dean
- William Grigsby, City and Regional Planning
- Elihu Katz, Annenberg School
- Samuel Klausner, Sociology
- Peter Knutson, Wharton
- Anthony Kroch, Linguistics
- Alan Laties, Ophthalmology
- Chong-Sik Lee, Political Science
- Ronald Litman, Anesthesiology
- Malcolm Lynch, Penn Dental
- Adrian Morrison, Penn Vet
- James Primosch, Music
- Elias Schwartz, CHOP
- J. Sanford Schwartz, Leonard Davis Institute, PSOM and Wharton
- David Shakow, Penn Law
- Arlyne Shockman, Radiology
- Michael Simson, Medicine
- Jonathan Steinberg, History
- Robert Turner, English
- Frank Welsh, Neurosurgery
- Roger Walmsley, Physics
- Charles Bosk, SAS and PSOM
- James Buchanan, Penn Vet
- Donald Campbell, Pediatrics
- MarJeanne Collins, PSOM, CHOP and Student Health Services
- Maria Delivoria-Papadopoulos, PSOM
- Robert Dyson, Penn Museum
- Roselyn Eisenberg, Vet School
- Nabil Farhat, SEAS
- Donald Fitts, Chemistry
- Renee Fox, SAS
- Fred Frey, Political Science
- John Gearhart, PSOM
- Rich Gelles, SP2
- Prabodh Gupta, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
- Trevor Hadley, PSOM
- Linda Hatfield, Nursing
- Marjorie Jeffcoat, Penn Dental
- Frank Johnston, SAS and Netter Center
- Amy Kaplan, SAS
- Morrie Kricun, PSOM
- Howard Lesnick, Law
- Robert Marshak, Penn Vet
- Harvey Nisenbaum, PSOM
- Calvin Nodine, Radiology
- Tomoko Ohnishi, Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Noah Prywes, Computer and Information Science
- Robert Rescorla, Psychology
- Walter Allyn Rickett, SAS
- Howard Snyder III, PSOM
- Larry Solin, Radiation Oncology
- Margaret Stineman, PSOM
- Martin G. St. John Sutton, PSOM
- Richard Tannen, PSOM
- Anthony Tomazinis, City and Regional Planning
- Paul Weinberg, PSOM and CHOP
- Saul Winegrad, Physiology
- Takashi Yonetani, PSOM
- Don Young, PSOM
- Marshall E. Blume, Wharton
- Joseph Bordogna, SEAS
- Carl Brighton, PSOM
- Denis Drummond, PSOM and CHOP
- Joel G. Flaks, Biochemistry
- Sherman Frankel, Physics
- Eli Glatstein, PSOM
- Ralph Hamilton, PSOM
- Carol P. Hanley Germain, Nursing
- Alan Klide, Penn Vet
- Ned Lally, Dental Medicine
- John Francis Lubin, Wharton
- Ruth McCorkle, Nursing
- Jack Nachmias, Psychology
- José Miguel Oviedo, SAS
- Janet Rothenberg Pack, Wharton
- Ann L. Strong, City and Regional Planning
- Leonard Warren, PSOM, Wistar
- Charles E. Benson, Penn Vet
- William R. Brennen, Chemistry
- Lawrence Brown, Wharton
- Henry S. Cecil, CHOP
- Dorothy Cheney, Biology
- D. Walter Cohen, Dental Medicine
- Robert M. Cohn, PSOM
- Harold L. Dibble, Anthropology
- Peter G. Earle, SAS
- Robert Engman, Fine Arts
- John U. Farley, Wharton
- Kenneth A. Fegley, Electrical and Systems Engineering
- George L. Gerstein, Neuroscience
- Richard A. Gibboney, Education
- Louis A. Girifalco, Materials Science
- Herbert Goldberg, Radiology
- William L. Hanaway, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- Geoffrey C. Hazard, Jr., Law
- Leonard Jarett, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
- Aravind K. Joshi, Computer and Cognitive Science
- Richard V. Kadison, Mathematics
- Nico Knauer, Classics
- Ezra S. Krendel, Statistics and Operations Research
- Alan Levy, Architecture
- Eugene H. Liu, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- Paul Messaris, Annenberg School
- Salvador Minuchin, Pediatrics
- Murray Murphey, History
- Stanislawa S. Nowicki, Architecture
- Lionel F. Rubin, Veterinary Medicine
- Luis Schut, MD, Neurosurgery
- David B. Schaffer, CHOP Ophthalmology
- Wesley Smith, Classics
- Thomas Waldman, SAS
- Donald White, Penn Museum
- David R. Williams, Psychology
- Richard Whittington, Radiation Oncology
- Un-Jin Paik Zimmerman, Physiology
- Roger D. Abrahams, Folklore and Folklife
- Arthur Auerbach, Psychiatry
- Nina Auerbach, English
- Elias Burstein, Physics
- Arthur A. Dole, Education
- Cyril I. Evian, Periodontics
- Mary Catherine Glick, Pediatrics
- Eric Greenhow, Anesthesia
- Kenneth George, Education
- Melvyn Hammarberg, Anthropology
- Edward S. Herman, Wharton
- Carole Marcus, Pediatrics
- Peter Nowell, Abramson Cancer Center
- José Regueiro, Romance Languages
- Ruben E. Reina, Anthropology
- George Ruff, Psychiatry
- Alan D. Schreiber, Medicine
- H. Ralph Schumacher, Medicine
- Donald E. Smith, Political Science
- Paul Soven, Physics and Astronomy
- Matthew J. Stephens, Accounting
- Bayard Storey, Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Ricardo Teles, Dental Medicine
- Samuel H. Tucker, Pediatrics and Neurology
- Robert L. Vanarsdall, Jr., Orthodontics and Periodontics
- Albert I. Winegrad, Endocrinology
- Charles R. Wright, Communications
- Norman Adler, Psychology
- Richard Beeman, History
- Ivar E. Berg, Sociology
- Peter Berman, Neurology/CHOP
- Herbert A. Blough, Ophthalmology
- William V. Chalupa, Veterinary Medicine
- Stuart W. Churchill, Engineering
- Constantin Cope, Radiology
- James C. Davis, History
- Norig (Skip) Ellison, Anesthesia
- James Fell, Mathematics
- John Flick, Microbiology and Immunology
- Ellen O. Fuller, Nursing and Physiology
- John Jacob Furth, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
- Alexander Hersh, Social Work
- Cameron Hurst, East Asian Studies
- Lesley King, Penn Vet Medicine
- Haralambos Kritikos, Electrical Engineering
- Erle Leichty, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- Richard G. Lonsdorf, Psychiatry and Law
- Albert Pepitone, Psychology
- Charles R. Perry, Management
- John A. Quinn, Engineering
- David W. H. Shale, Mathematics
- Sohrab Rabii, Electrical and Systems Engineering
- Robert Regan, English
- Alexander Riasanovsky, History
- Ludo Rocher, South Asia Studies
- Anthony F. C. Wallace, Anthropology
- Chester M. Zmijewski, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
- Morton Botel, GSE
- Stella Botelho, Physiology
- Edward W. Brennan, Accounting
- Howard Brody, Physics
- Gaetan A. Campisi, Dental Medicine
- Henry Gleitman, Psychology
- Marilyn Hess, Pharmacology
- Hazel I. Holst, Surgery
- Gerry Hurst, Jr., Operations and Information Management
- Ralph A. Jessar, Rheumatology
- Anna S. Lev-Toaff, Radiology
- A. Leo Levin, Law School
- Ben Martin, Jr., Veterinary Medicine
- Albert Nijenhuis, Mathematics
- Eugene R. Nixon, Chemistry
- Patrick S. Pasquariello, Jr., Pediatrics
- Johannes Pennings, Management
- David Premack, Psychology
- Donald Schotland, Neurology
- Robert M. Schwartzman, Veterinary Medicine
- Brian Sutton-Smith, Graduate School of Education
- Shiro Takashima, Bioengineering
- David White, Chemistry
- Don Yoder, Folklore Studies, Religious Studies and American Studies
- Terry Adkins, Fine Arts
- Morton Amsterdam, Dental Medicine
- Howard D. Arnold, Sr., SP2
- Kenneth C. Bovée, Veterinary Medicine
- Ellis Golub, Dental Medicine
- Nicholas K. Gonatas, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
- Howard Holtzer, Cell and Developmental Biology
- Thomas P. Hughes, History and Sociology of Science
- Michael B. Katz, History
- Donato D. LaRossa, Surgery
- John A. Lepore, Electrical and Systems Engineering
- Mitchell Litt, Bioengineering
- Abraham Noordergraaf, Bioengineering
- Charles W. Raker, New Bolton Center
- Elsa L. Ramsden, SAMP
- Arnold J. Rawson, Pathology
- Heinz Schleyer, Surgery
- Russell P. Sebold, Spanish
- Åke W. Sjöberg, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and Penn Museum
- Norman E. Smith, Music
- Albert J. “Mickey” Stunkard, Psychiatry
- Camillus L. Witzleben, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Burton Zweiman, Medicine
- Malcolm Campbell, History of Art
- David Y. Cooper, Surgery
- Robert F. Engs, History
- David R. Gaskell, Materials Science and Engineering
- Ward H. Goodenough, Anthropology
- Edward Gosfield, Jr., Medicine
- Sheldon Hackney, President Emeritus
- Robin Hochstrasser, Chemistry
- Daniel G. Hoffman, English
- Spyros Iakovides, Classical Studies and Penn Museum
- Stanley E. Johnson, Former Chaplain
- Nicholas A. Kefalides, Medicine
- William L. Kissick, Medicine, Wharton, and Nursing
- Lawrence R. Klein, Economics
- Charles Everett Koop, Pediatrics
- Igor Kopytoff, Anthropology
- Edward Korostoff, Dental Medicine
- Friedrich K. Kübler, Law
- Henrika Kuklick, History and Sociology of Science
- Scott A. Mackler, Medicine
- Seymour J. Mandelbaum, City and Regional Planning
- Alfred K. Mann, Physics
- Dan M. McGill, Insurance and Risk Management
- John J. Mikuta, Gynecologic Oncology
- Wallace T. Miller, Sr., Radiology
- Donald F. Patterson, Veterinary Medicine
- Robert P. Perry, Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Larry M. Robbins, English, Wharton
- Fred N. Scatena, III, Earth and Environmental Science
- Alfred M. Sellers, Medicine
- Lawrence A. Shepp, Statistics
- Louise P. Shoemaker, Dean Emerita, SP2
- Ben Taskar, Computer and Information Science
- Gerald C. Weales, English
- Benjamin Wolf, Veterinary Medicine
- Fay Ajzenberg-Selove, Physics
- Justin M. Aronfreed, Psychology
- Lee Benson, History
- John S. de Cani, Statistics
- Christopher M. Clark, Neurology
- H. Fred Clark, Pediatrics
- Tristram P. Coffin, English
- Irma B. Csanalosi, Psychiatry
- Laurence E. Early, Medicine
- Marten S. Estey, Management
- William C. Frayer, Ophthalmology
- Paul Fussell, Jr., English
- Harry J. Gray, Electrical and Systems Engineering
- Paul E. Green, Marketing
- William T. Kelley, Marketing
- James N. Kise, City and Regional Planning
- Paul Kleindorfer, Operations and Information Management
- Phoebe S. Leboy, Dental Medicine
- Neil F. Leonard, Jr., History
- Paul H. Mueller, Biochemistry and Biophysics
- John J. Murphy, Urology
- Ernest F. Rosato, Surgery
- Robert J. Sharer, Penn Museum
- Max Silverstein, Social Policy and Practice
- Robert Summers, Economics
- Amos Vogel, Annenberg
- Bernard Wailes, Anthropology and Penn Museum
- Annemarie Weber, Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Leon P. Weiss, Veterinary Medicine
- Herbert S. Wilf, Mathematics
- Thomas H. Wood, Physics
- Wayne L. Worrell, Materials Science and Engineering
- F. Gerard Adams, Economics
- Arthur L. Alterman, Psychiatry
- Baruch Blumberg, Medicine
- F. William Bora, Jr., Orthopaedic Surgery
- Louis H. Carter, Social Policy and Practice
- John E. Fischer, Materials Science and Engineering
- Zachary B. Friedenberg, Orthopaedic Surgery
- Morris Hamburg, Statistics
- John O. Honnold, Law
- Robert J. House, Management
- Thomas R. Kadesch, Genetics
- Christian J. Lambertsen, Medicine
- Harrison McMichael, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
- Detlef Mertins, Architecture
- Andrew M. Nemeth, Cell and Developmental Biology
- Norman Oler, Mathematics
- Howard V. Perlmutter, Management
- Teresa Palma Pica, GSE
- Gregory L. Possehl, Anthropology
- Philip Sagi, Sociology
- Edwin R. Schmidt, Jr., Orthopaedic Surgery
- Louise Schnaufer, Pediatrics
- Lawrence R. Sipe, GSE
- Ralph Spritzer, Law
- Leo Steinberg, History of Art
- Lloyd W. Stevens, Surgery
- Patrick B. Storey, Medicine
- Thomas Ten Have, Biostatistics
- Henry Teune, Political Science
- Walter Wales, Physics
- Martin Wolfe, History
- Lillian E. Fredericks Abraham, Anesthesiology
- Michael P. Cava, Chemistry
- Britton Chance, Biochemistry & Biophysics
- Alfred P. Fishman, Medicine
- Joseph Foote, Dental Medicine
- Alan Gewirtz, Medicine
- Phyllis Kaniss, Annenberg School
- Albert M. Kligman, Dermatology
- Robert H. Koch, Astronomy
- William R. LaFleur, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
- Igor Laufer, Radiology
- Noyes E. Leech, Penn Law
- Alan Lerner, Law
- Moshe “Misha” Lewin, History
- John Walker McCoubrey, History of Art
- Hitoshi Nakazato, Penn Design
- Martin Ostwald, Classical Studies
- Ellen Prince, Linguistics
- Walter Selove, Physics
- John M. Stockton, Wharton
- William Harker Rhodes, Veterinary Medicine
- James F. Ross, Philosophy
- Robert Rutman, Veterinary Medicine
- Clyde W. Summers, Law
- William Telfer, Biology
- Karen Buhler-Wilkerson, Nursing
- Sidney N. Zubrow, Pennsylvania Hospital
- Russell L. Ackoff, Wharton
- C. Edwin Baker, Law
- Aditya ‘Adi’ Behl, South Asia Studies
- Patricia F. Borns, Radiology
- John R. Brobeck, Physiology
- William B. Castetter, GSE
- William R. Coe, Penn Museum
- Mildred Cohn, Biochemistry and Biophysics
- David K. Detweiler, Dental Medicine
- G. Roger Edwards, Penn Museum
- Paul Epstein, Medicine
- Philip J. Escoll, Psychiatry
- William M. Evan, SAS & Wharton
- Martin “Marty” Fishbein, Annenberg School
- Charles Schaffner Goodman, Wharton
- William ‘Bill’ R. Graham, Materials Science and Engineering
- Thomas Reed Hedges, Ophthalmology
- Arleigh Porter Hess, Economics
- Ralph F. Hirschmann, Chemistry
- Leo M. Hurvich, Psychology
- Dell H. Hymes, Former GSE Dean
- Bernett L. Johnson, Medicine
- Sukhamay Lahiri, Physiology
- Lester Luborsky, Psychiatry
- Lionel A. Manson, Medicine
- Edward K. Morlok, Systems and Electrical Engineering
- Nicholas Muhlenberg, School of Design
- Joseph L. Rabinowitz, Dental Medicine
- Edward C. Raffensperger, Medicine
- Charles F. Reid, Veterinary Medicine
- Thomas A. Reiner, Regional Science
- Sheldon Rovin, Wharton and Dental Schools
- Leon Z. Saunders, Veterinary Medicine
- Gerhard A. Schad, Vet Medicine
- Truman G. Schnabel, Medicine
- Arthur Schwartz, Social Policy & Practice
- Richard Spielman, Genetics
- George Stewart, Dental Medicine
- Percy H. Tannenbaum, Annenberg School
- Joseph C. Touchstone, Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Elizabeth B. Weller, CHOP & Medicine
- David Cass, Economics
- David K. Detweiler, Veterinary Medicine
- Leif Finkel, Bioengineering
- Philip George, Biology
- Edwin T. Haefele, Political Science
- Frederick G. Kempin, Wharton
- William Chase Lawrence, Veterinary Medicine
- Luigi Mastroianni Jr., Obstetrics and Gynecology of the School of Medicine
- Morris Mendelson, Wharton
- Thomas Moshang Jr.
- Elizabeth Kirk Rose
- Richard L. Rowan, Wharton
- Robert Lewis Shayon, Annenberg School for Communication
- Anthony A. Vito, Dental Medicine
- Andrew H. Wallace, Mathematics
To Report a Death
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