- Dick Polman, Review of Midterm Election (Video)
- Craig Carnaroli, Innovation at Penn (Video)
- Vincent Feldman, Ours to Lose: Places in West Philadelphia at Risk of Being Forgotten
- Newly Retired & Emeritus Faculty Celebration
- Jane Eisner, What Does the Surge of Anti-Semitism in America Really Mean? (Video)
- Nancy Hodgson, Better Living with Dementia (Video)
- Hilary Lopez, Victoria Mulhern, The Nuts and Bolts of Retirement
- Stephen D. Senturia, Anatomy of a Tenure Case
- Negotiating the Retirement Transition – What’s Next?
- John E. Puckett, Becoming Penn: The Pragmatic American University 1950-2000
- Contemporary Issues in Scientific Publishing
November 12, 2018