- A Thousand and One Nights: a Tale of Two Tale-Collections [Roger Allen]
- All You Want to Know About Diabetes, but Were Afraid to Ask Your Doctor [Stanley Schwartz]
- American Bestsellers [Peter Conn]
- American Politics in Historical Perspective [Walter Licht]
- America’s Conflicting Constitutional Visions: The Quest for Common Ground [Rogers M. Smith]
- America’s New Racial Divides: Protect versus Repair [Rogers M. Smith]
- The Architecture of the Philadelphia Museum of Art [David B. Brownlee]
- The Athenaeum of Philadelphia: the 200-year History of a Cultural Institution [Peter Conn]
- BDS: What is the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement [Ian Lustick]
- Cancer as a Complication of Diabetes [Stanley Schwartz]
- Dementia as a Complication of Diabetes [Stanley Schwartz]
- Detective Fiction [Peter Conn]
- Diabetes Medications May Be a Cardiologist’s Best Friends [Stanley Schwartz]
- Effective Management of Painful, Sore Mouth or Chronic Aching Jaw [Martin Greenberg]
- Frank Lloyd Wright’s Beth Sholom Synagogue in Elkins Park [David B. Brownlee]
- A History of the Opioid Epidemic: How Did We Get Here? [Wade Berrettini]
- How Leaves Change Their Identity [Scott Poethig]
- How to Slay the Gerrymander Now that SCOTUS Has Fled the Field of Battle [Jack Nagel]
- How Victorian Eclectic Architecture Was Modern [David B. Brownlee]
- Incretin Use in Hospitals for the Care of Patients with Diabetes [Stanley Schwartz]
- Islam [Roger Allen]
- Israel and the Palestinians: From Two-State Solution to One-State Reality [Ian Lustick]
- The Joseph Story: Genesis, the Qur’an, and Chartres Cathedral [Roger Allen]
- The Making of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway [David B. Brownlee]
- Mood Disorders and Their Treatments [Wade Berrettini]
- New Directions for Understanding Diabetes [Stanley Schwartz]
- Nothing We Eat Is Natural: The Genetics of Food [Scott Poethig]
- Philadelphia’s Economy: Past, Present, Future [Walter Licht]
- A Plan to Reform the Pennsylvania General Assembly [Jack Nagel]
- The Poetry of Emily Dickinson [Peter Conn]
- Ranked Choice Voting [Jack Nagel]
- A Remedy for the Electoral College [Jack Nagel]
- The Rise and Fall of American Trade Unionism [Walter Licht]
- Shakespeare and Women [Phyllis Rackin]
- The Time is Right for a New Classification of Diabetes [Stanley Schwartz]
- Toward Better Stories of American Identity [Rogers M. Smith]
- The Two Homes of the Barnes Foundation [David B. Brownlee]
- Understanding The New Weight Loss Medications [Wade Berrettini]
- A Unified Pathophysiologic Construct of All Diabetes and its Complication [Stanley Schwartz]
- The U.S. Economy in Historic Global Perspective [Walter Licht]
- What is a “paradigm” and how does it “shift?” [Ian Lustick]
- What is “critical theory” and is it dangerous? [Ian Lustick]
- What We Owe to the History of Spain (illustrated) [Roger Allen]
- Where did Zionism come from and where is it going? [Ian Lustick]
- Why is rationality so often the problem rather than the solution? [Ian Lustick]